Review Requests
When pickup and delivery requests are submitted, they are added to the Requests page (based on item type, i.e., Files or Boxes) to be reviewed, approved, and fulfilled by a user with sufficient privileges.
To review submitted requests click Requests in the navigation menu, then click the link for the desired item type. This displays the View Requests page. There will be links listed on this page for each type of item that can be requested. In this case, the File and Box Requests links are listed, but you may see others depending on your configuration.

View Requests page
If enabled, the review and submitting of requests for items stored in Iron Mountain or O’Neil have to follow a different process. Please review the appropriate guide (Iron Mountain, O’Neil) for more details.
View Existing Requests
The View Existing Requests for Boxes (or Files) page is where review, approval, and fulfillment of requests takes place. By default, Gimmal Physical displays all requests for which you have permission/access. If desired, this list can be reduced by using the Quick Search fields above the grid.

This page includes the following:
Quick Search (a)- Used to parse through the existing item requests and functions the same way as the Quick Search on the individual Item tabs, including the same search operators. Current Search (b) describes the last search that was executed. Clicking Search with no criteria entered will return all current requests (see note below). Clear simply removes all search criteria from the Quick Search fields.
View Request History (c) - Displays the Request History page where you can search through, and export, previous request entries.
View Request Reconciliation (d) - Click the View Request Reconciliation link to view the outcome of requests, either by date or if importing requests from another system, by batch number.
Action buttons (e) - perform the indicated actions on selected, or all, requests.
Delete Selected/All: Delete the selected request(s) or all requests
Fulfill Selected/All: Fulfill the selected request(s) or all requests. Once fulfilled, requested items are automatically transferred to the requested destination, and the request itself is deleted from the Review Existing Requests page.
Approve Selected/All: Approve the selected request(s) or all requests. Depending on your application preferences, this may not be applicable (i.e. requests are automatically approved)
Reject Selected/All: Reject the selected request(s) or all requests
Requests/Search results (f) - Existing item requests. The fields are:
Item Description: Quick description of the requested item.
Barcode: Barcode of the requested items.
Status: Approval status of the request. Requests can be auto-approved based on your preferences. See for more information.
Current Location: Current Location of the requested item.
Requestor: Who actually submitted the request.
Request Date: The date and time the request was created.
Destination: Where is the requested item going to.
On Waitlist: Item requests are automatically added to the waitlist if there is already a request for the item or if the item is not at its Home Location. When an item is placed on the waitlist because it is checked out to a user, an email notification (if your system notifications are so configured) is sent to that person. Once all prior requests for this item have been fulfilled/it is returned to its Home Location, the request is removed from the waitlist and ready to be fulfilled.
Fulfillment Method: How this request should be fulfilled (specified during the initial request submission)
Request Type: Type of item request, i.e. Pickup or Delivery
Fulfilling requests
Clicking Fulfill Selected or Select All displays the Fulfill Requests page. Checking the box Make Home Location (a), sets the destination as the item’s Home Location. Click Execute (b)to fulfill the request.

Only non-waitlisted requests will appear on the Standard Picklist Reports (See Reports for additional information). All current requests, including those that have been waitlisted, can be viewed on the View Existing Requests page.
Visibility of Requests
Organizational Security/Security Exclude - Organizational security will control the visibility of requests based on the item’s and User's associated organizations. Users with Security Exclude enabled, regardless of their role, can see all requests regardless of the item’s associated Organization.
Hub Locations - if hub locations are used in your application (contact Gimmal Support or your Gimmal Account Manager), Users processing requests will only see requests for items associated with the same hub location with which the user is also associated, as well as requests for items not associated with a hub location. In addition, Users processing requests will also see requests for items not associated with any hub location.