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User Guide for Iron Mountain Integration



The document covers the Gimmal Physical Iron Mountain integration.

  • Iron Mountain integration can only be linked to Boxes and/or Files to process order files (.ord).

  • Open shelving orders are not supported.

  • When requests are sent to Iron Mountain, items are automatically transferred in Gimmal Physical to the destination of the request.

  • The integration does not support maintenance files (.mnt) to update metadata in SKP.

  • The integration does not consume the nightly files Iron Mountain posts on the SFTP site every 24 hours which indicates the request status.


Request Delivery (Retrieval) of Boxes and Files

The following options are available in the Gimmal Physical application.

  • Request Type

    • Normal

    • Photocopy

    • Fax & Deliver

    • Fax & Refile

  • Delivery Priority

    • Normal

    • Half Day

    • Rush

  • Order Type

    • Standard Delivery

    • Pickup

    • Permanent Withdrawal

Order Type is stored as a numerical value ('enum'). When searching by order types, use the number associated with the Order Types, for example:

  • 1 = Standard Delivery

  • 2 = Pickup

  • 3 = Permanent Withdrawal

Request Pickup of Boxes and Files

The following options are available in the Gimmal Physical application.

  • Delivery Priority

  • Normal

  • Half Day

  • Rush

Manage Iron Mountain Requests

There is an Iron Mountain Requests page to manage requests for items going to or coming from Iron Mountain.

The view request page enables the submission of requests to the FTP site that Iron Mountain monitors.

Helpful Tip

The Is Iron Mountain checkbox is not needed for new boxes as long as the request destination is the Iron Mountain location. The Is Iron Mountain checkbox represents the fact that Iron Mountain has knowledge of and has registered the Box. New boxes don’t need a user from the Iron Mountain perspective until they are picked up for the first time. From within Gimmal Physical, the Is Iron Mountain checThe user will not be enabled until a new Box is first transferred to Iron Mountain. The workflow is intended to be the following:

  1. User creates a Box. At this point, the new Box will have the default Current Location of the User, and the default Home Location of Iron Mountain.

  2. User requests pickup of the Box to be sent to Iron Mountain. Because the default Home Location is already Iron Mountain, no changes should be needed on the request page.
    Note: If the default home location was not set in the earlier step, ensure that the Iron Mountain location is specified as the new destination as part of the request.

  3. Bec the Box is being sent to Iron Mountain, it will appear in the Iron Mountain requests queue.

  4. When the request is submitted from the Iron Mountain request queue page, it will be processed through the Iron Mountain integration. At this point, Gimmal Physical will the transfer the Box to the Iron Mountain location within the application. This transfer step will assign the Is Iron Mountain checkbox at the Box level.

  5. From this point forward, the Is Iron Mountain checkbox value will be set to true for that Box. Any subsequent requests for that box will go directly through the Iron Mountain queue.


For Gimmal Physical 3.15

The configuration settings for Iron Mountain can be found on the Iron Mountain integration page accessed via the Integration section on the Administration page reached by clicking the ‘Admin’ option on the navigation bar,

The options are as follows:



Email Address

Address that will receive notifications from Gimmal Physical when orders are submitted to Iron Mountain. This address is valid for the scope chosen in the next field.


Who will have order notifications sent to the chosen address in the Email Address field:

  • System: Everyone logging into the application

  • Role: Everyone in the role of the logged in user

  • User: Just the logged in user

Iron Mountain FTP URI

Drop down list of the addresses of the FTP Site to upload Iron Mountain files. The label following this drop down will list will read Testing or Production based on the valueThe defaulted in this list.

User Name

Name of the account which has access to the FTP site.


Password of the account which has access to the FTP site.

Enable Request of Files

Option to enable users to request files to be transferred to and from Iron Mountain. Default value is unchecked (False).

Upload Iron Mountain File

Options available to test or manually upload files in real time or using the job service.


Opens a dialog box to select an Iron Mountain formatted file created by Gimmal Physical to use in testing, or to manually load into the system.


Manual upload of a file for testing (if the URI listed is the test site) or reprocessing (if the URI listed is the production site) for the chosen file.

Transfers cannot be performed when submitting an Iron Mountain request from this page, including using the g the ‘Test Upload’ button.


Imports the file that is on the listed FTP site into the View window (on the left for review.


Runs the file through the scheduled job service for testing (if the URI listed is the test site) or reprocessing (if the URI listed is the production site) for the chosen file.

The file processed via the service can be viewed in the box on the right side of the screen.

Transfers cannot be performed when submitting an Iron Mountain request from this page, including using the ‘Schedule’ button.

Job Status

The results of the tested job, run from either the is ‘Test Upload’ or ‘Schedule’


For Gimmal Physical 3.14 and below

Iron Mountain account information must be entered in the Gimmal Physical Application Settings page.

  • The path to the folder on the sftp site associated with Iron Mountain.

  • The Username for the sftp site associated with Iron Mountain.

  • The password for the sftp site associated with Iron Mountain.


A preference setting is available to enter an email address that will receive notifications when orders are submitted to Iron Mountain


A location record must be designated as an Iron Mountain location by checking the checkbox “Is Iron Mountain Location” for a given record. Multiple Iron Mountain locations are supported.

Transit Information will also need to be entered for any location that is an Iron Mountain location and for any User that will be either requesting pickup or delivery to or from Iron Mountain.

Custom record(s) will need to be created that contain the Custom ID and District ID assigned by Iron Mountain. Additionally, address information and contact name can be entered.

Box records will need to have a current location, an IM Box Size value, a Customer ID, and a District ID before they can be requested for pickup or delivery.

File records will need to have a current location, a Customer ID, and a District ID before they can be requested for pickup or delivery.

If records are updated in such a way that makes them invalid for Iron Mountain requests after a successful request has been made but before they have been submitted to Iron Mountain errors will be displayed on the view requests page. Items in error will be back colored in yellow. The issue for a given record can be seen by mousing over the item description hyperlink.

For request pickups, the destination will need to be set to an Iron Mountain location.

File Creation

When requests are submitted to the Iron Mountain sftp site a files with a .ord extension for pickups or deliveries and .add extension for additions are created and posted to the Iron Mountain site. Data to create these files is constructed using the following:

Pickup or delivery files (.ord) – Header Information

Gimmal Physical Source

Iron Mountain Reference

Customer ID (On Customer tab)


District ID (On Customer tab)


Address Information (Transit Information tab). If Ship To Code is present it is used in lieu of address information

Ship to address information

Pickup or delivery files (.add) – column mapping for Boxes.

Note: For the most part these fields can be empty as this data is now be captured and managed in Gimmal Physical.

Gimmal Physical Source

Iron Mountain Reference

Customer ID


Box Number (if empty then Barcode will be used)




Department ID


Record Code


Date From


Date To


Major Description


Minor Description


Scheduled Destruction Date


Destruction Indicator (defaults to U)


Long Description 1


Long Description 2


Long Description 3


Long Description 4


Long Description 5


Long Description 6


Long Description 7


Long Description 8


Extra 1


Extra 2


Division ID


Create Date (the boxes create date)


Event Date


Reference 1


Box Hold Code


Pickup or delivery files (.add) – Item Information (Files)

Gimmal Physical Source

Iron Mountain Reference

Customer ID


Box Number (if empty then Barcode will be used)




Department ID


Record Code


Date From


Date To


File Desc 1


File Desc 2


Extra 1


Extra 2


Third Party ID


Division ID


File Description 3


File Description 4


Create Date (the files create date)


Birth Date


Discharge Date


Social Security Number


Volume Number


Unique Barcode


Customer Barcode


File Description 5


File Description 6


File Description 7


File Description 8


File Description 9





A Customer tab is added to the database when the Iron Mountain configuration is turned on. This tab should either appear as a list on the Organization tab or the Box and File tab. If Customer is added to the Organization tab, the customer field will need to be included as an output field on the Box and/or File tabs being passed down through Organization.

The manage list functionality is also altered when the Iron Mountain Integration is turned on. The Box Size list requires a value to be entered in the IM Size column. By default, the three list values 1,2 and 3 will have the IM Box Size values of 1.20, 2.40 and 3.60 respectively. In addition, the list values for Iron Mountain Department and Iron Mountain Division will have additional columns to hold the Department ID and the Division ID respectively. The Department ID and Division ID values will come from the client if they are storing this information with Iron Mountain.

A location record must be designated as an Iron Mountain location by checking the checkbox “Is Iron Mountain Location” for a given record. Multiple Iron Mountain locations are supported. Transit Information will also need to be entered for any location that is an Iron Mountain location.

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