Rule Tokens
This section contains a list of valid tokens that can be used anywhere the rule builder is available, including:
Classification Rules
Legal Hold Rules
Rule Sets
The tokens are separated by Connector/Extension type, with the System Tokens being available regardless of Connector type.
System Tokens
Token | Description |
@repo | The repository of the connector. For SharePoint, this value will be SharePoint. If you use the File Share Connector, this value would be FileSystem, for example. |
@folder | The name of the item’s parent folder |
@file | The name of the item, including the file extension |
@record.isRecord | A Record’s Declared status. |
@filesize | The size of the file in bytes |
@created | The date and time the item was created |
@modified | The date and time the item was last modified |
@uri | The full URI of the item |
@uri_level# | One property for each level of the @uri value. For example, on SharePoint, if @uri started with "https://servername", @uri_level0 would be "servername". The last of these properties will represent the filename and file extension, such as "test.docx". |
System tokens are case-sensitive and will not display values correctly unless you enter the token in all lowercase format.
Example: @created not @Created
Gimmal Discover Tokens
Note: Gimmal Discover is known as ‘Altitude’ in some Gimmal Records configuration settings.
Token | Description |
@altitude.label | The label given to a file. |
Documentum Tokens
Token | Description |
@dctm.docbase | The DocBase where the document resides |
@dctm.docbroker | The DocBroker for the document |
@dctm.cabinetid | A list of cabinet IDs where the document can be found |
@dctm.cabinetname | A list of the cabinet names where the document can be found |
@dctm.objecttype | The documents object type |
@dctm.folderid | A list of folder IDs where the document can be found |
@dctm.foldername | A list of folder names where the document can be found |
@dctm.applicationid | The ID of the application for the document |
@dctm.objectid | The version-specific ID of the document |
@dctm.chronicleid | The ID for tracking all versions of the document |
Exchange Tokens
Token | Description |
@ex.from | Sender |
@ex.owner | Owner of the mailbox the item is in |
Recipients | |
CC'd recipients |
File Share Tokens
Token | Description |
@fs.owner | The owner of the file from the File System; for example, "Gimmal\Susan" |
Physical Records Management Tokens
Token | Description |
@prm.containername | The name of the container that holds the physical asset |
@prm.assetname | The name of the physical asset |
@prm.assetbarcode | The Barcode value of the physical asset |
@prm.assetbarcodealternate | The "Alternate Barcode" value of the physical asset |
@prm.assetkeywords | The keywords of the physical asset |
@prm.assethomelocation | The "Home Location" value attached to the asset |
@prm.assetcurrentlocation | The "Current Location" value attached to the asset |
@prm.owner | The owner listed for the asset |
@prm.containerkeywords | The keywords of a container that holds the physical asset |
@prm.assettemplocation | The "Temporary Location" value attached to the asset |
@prm.assetchargedout | Status of the asset charged-out/in |
@prm.assetchargedoutto | The user that an asset is charged-out to |
@prm.assettype | The "Type" value attached to the asset |
@prm.locationtype | The "Location Type" value attached to a location asset |
Asset metadata | The following asset metadata can be used:
For specificity, use @repo = physical to only affect physical assets |
SharePoint and SharePoint Online Tokens
Token | Description |
@sp.library | The title of the SharePoint library that contains the document |
@sp.siteurl | The full URL of the root website in the site collection; for example "https://servername/" |
@sp.web | The title of the item’s web/site |
@sp.weburl | The server relative URL of the item’s web/site, for example "/accounting" |
@sp.folderurl | The server relative URL of the item’s parent folder, for example, "/accounting/ap" |
@sp.contenttype | The name of the item’s content type |
@sp.title | The Title property from SharePoint |
@sp.modified | The value for SharePoint’s built-in Modified date ( SPBuiltInFieldId.Modified) |
SharePoint Column Display Name | Any SharePoint Column Display Name can be used in Classification Rules |