January 2025: Sprint 141
Gimmal Records Core
Alert for Lifecycle without Approval
When saving a new or modified Lifecycle, an alert will inform the user if the Lifecycle contains phases that have ‘Require Approvals’ unselected.
Configure Session Timeout
Administrators can now configure session timeouts applicable to all uses. This functionality is found in the Global Preferences.
Bug Fixes
ID | Component | Description | Ticket # |
98249 | Core | Issues updating underlying values when Case Based Record is marked ‘Approved’ | |
98087 | Core | Case Based records disappear from Inbox after approval if not a Global Records Manager | 00022866 |
98241 | Core | View Report for Pending Approvals is not working as expected | 00023796 |
Known Issues
ID | Component | Description |
99190 | Core | Lifecycle Approval 'Confirm' dialog does not open when saving a new multi-phase life-cycle where the first phase has approval, but others do not. |
99195 | Core | Lifecycle Approval 'Confirm' dialog opens when removing a lifecycle (that contains at least one phase that doesn't require approval) from a record class |
97976 | Core | Case files fail to leave the Inbox page when the 'Approve & Submit' menu is selected by a Record Manager |
General Availability
January 21, 2025
Note: This release also includes updates for UK and Canadian tenants to align them with Core standard. The details can be found in these release notes: