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Request Items for Pickup

A Pickup Request (sometimes known as a ‘Refile Request’) is used for adding new boxes to a permanent location or returning boxes to their Home Location.

To submit a Pickup Request:

  1. Locate the desired item(s) using your preferred search techniques.

  2. Check the box for each desired item and click Request Pickup.

    1. Alternatively, you can click Add To Cart if a single search is not sufficient. In your cart, check the box for each desired item and click Request Pickup. See for more information.


Requesting pickup for a box

  1. The Request Items to be refiled page displays

  1. Perform the following steps to complete the request:

    1. Search for, and select, the destination you want the pickup items to be taken to. Note:

      1. Make sure you have selected the correct tab (i.e. Shelves, Locations, Users).

      2. The barcode of the selected destination displays in the text box above the tabs.

      3. Depending on your application preferences, a default destination may already be specified (this can be changed in Preferences, as needed).

    2. Enter any comments that need to be provided for the item history.

    3. Click Apply to update the Destination for the requested item (see below). Note that the Record Description is the Quick Description for the requested item(s).

    4. If multiple items are requested, you can update the Destination for all of them by clicking Apply All.

    5. Finally, click Request Pickup to submit the request for review.

  1. Click Ok to dismiss the Request Results page


Request successfully submitted

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