Quick Start Guide for Administrators
Administrator Tasks
Administration tasks encompass the following:

To manage Licenses, click on the Licenses link under ‘Security Access’.
Type in the license key from Gimmal Physical System Solutions and click on the Update License button.
Displays Current licenses including login licenses, currently logged in users, and extra features.
To view logins, click on the Logins link under ‘Security Access’.
Login tracking searches can be completed in the grid.
Tracking information can be deleted by clicking on the Delete Records link on the upper right of the screen.
Login Details
To manage password complexity click on the Login Details link under ‘Security Access’.
Choose from the options to set password complexity and click Save.
Roles and Permissions
To manage Roles and Permissions click on the Roles and Permissions link under ‘Security Access’.
Click on the Create button to create a new role.
Type in the desired information and click on the save button.
Edit Role Permissions: all the security settings and checkboxes
Edit Role Preferences: all the Role level preferences and role email address field. This email is used for any notifications set at the role level.
Role to Role
To manage which roles can manage other roles click Role to Role under ‘Security Access’.
Choose a role in the first drop down. You will see previously selected roles appear in the table below that.
Roles in the first table will show on the Roles and Permissions page for any user in the role selected in the drop down.
Use the radio and remove buttons to add to or remove roles from the selected list. Sessions 1. To view sessions, click on the Sessions link.
Sessions of users can be deleted by clicking on the Delete Records link on the Session Tracking screen.
Documentation Options

By default, the Help button found in the Navigation Ribbon will take users to the Gimmal Physical Documents Site.
Helpful Tip
If your organization has its own web-based documentation that you would prefer to use, Gimmal Physical will support linking your documentation to the default Help button. Do do so, copy the URL of your documentation into the the ‘Gimmal Online Help URL’ option found in Admin | Application Settings. Click ‘Save’ to update the Settings.