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Uninstalling Older Versions

The process of removing a prior version of Gimmal Link (formerly known as ERP-Link or DM4SAP) varies depending on which of the following components you already have installed:

  • Connection Service or iNet.CS
  • Document Manager or iNet.DM
  • Document Service Modules
  • iNet. Runtime

Backing Up Existing Configuration

Before uninstalling Gimmal Link, it is highly recommended that you make a copy of your existing configuration files and store them in another location as a backup. The typical location where these files can be found is similar to the following:

  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\iNetDM\FILES\

The names of the configuration files have no restrictions. The following is an example of files you may find in prior installations:

  • ContentRepositoryConfig.xml
  • DSMConfig.xml
  • ERPLinkConfig.xml
  • TimerServiceConfig.xml

Uninstalling Gimmal Link Solutions

To uninstall Gimmal Link from a specific server, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Windows Control Panel on the server.
  2. Click Programs and Features
  3. On the Programs and Features dialog box, locate the installed Gimmal Link or ERP-Link or Document Management for SAP Solutions applications.
  4. Select each Gimmal Link or ERP-Link or Document Management for SAP Solutions application, if present, and click Uninstall.
    Note:  The name of the installed application may vary based on the version of the application which is installed.

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