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July 2024: Sprint 129

Gimmal Records Core

Inbox Enhancements

Improvements have been added to Gimmal Records for users managing the Inbox. In addition to more efficient performance, updates include:

  • Support for multi-column sorts

  • New operators for filtering (contains, starts with, etc.) have been added to text fields

  • Case-Based records and Administrative records now have separate views

Lifecycle Processing Service (LPS) Improvements

Enhancements have been added to improve the performance and functionality of the lifecycle processing service (LPS).

Physical Records Module (PRM)

Lifecycle Processing Service (LPS) Improvements

Enhancements have been added to improve the performance and functionality of the PRM connector.

Bug Fixes




91306 / 94611

Gimmal Records Core

Error saving Inbox view with large number of properties (00020821)

95220 *

Gimmal Records Core

Resolve tenant throttling issues

Known Issues





Gimmal Records Core

Duplicate Audit entries for records on Legal Hold


Gimmal Records Core

In-Use users can be deleted


Core (CBR only)

Case-Based Records can still be viewed by an Administrator Role after Approval by Records Manager


Core (CBR only)

Exception when selecting a single record with ‘Complete’ option using Case-Based Records


Core (CBR only)

Case-Based Records have a delay before leaving the Inbox after being placed on Legal Hold


Core (CBR only)

Duplicate audit entries when Case-Based records are put on Legal Hold using the ‘Select Entire Inbox’ and ‘Hold’ option


Physical Records Module

Duplicate assets created under certain circumstances

General Availability

July 15, 2024

* Resolved in no downtime update week of July 16th

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