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Disposed Records

In previous versions, this feature was known as Archived Records.

Disposed Records is a location that contains information about all records specified to be archived according to their Record Class. Record data (details) will be present for every item, while the Properties and Audit Trail are optional, again determined by the setting on their Record Class. Disposed Records does not store the content of the record, just potentially the properties and audit trail.

Items in the Archive are still counted against the total record count for the purposes of your license. The Archive does not currently have a separate retention period.  To start keeping information about records that have been disposed of, use the Archive settings on the Record Class itself by editing the Record Class.

To view Disposed Records, goto Dispose → Disposed Records.

To see the details about an item, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the ellipsis (...) to the right of an item to view Record data (details).

  2. Click the drop-down menu to see the Audit Trail and Properties at the time of disposition and the Destruction Certificate, if one exists.

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