September – 2022 Sprint 84
Bug Fixes
Gimmal Records - Failed actions now reliably appear on the Exceptions Page.
Gimmal Records - Users with single quotes can be searched on the Users page.
Gimmal Records - Users can no longer classify a Record into a Closed Case File.
Gimmal Records - Action items are now removed for any records when removing their Lifecycle from a Record Class.
Gimmal Records - Removed unnecessary modal when deleting a Record Class.
Gimmal Records - Rejected Inbox items remain rejected if lifecycle changes on Record Class.
Gimmal Records - When a rule set is changed, Permission Group Rules are changed correctly.
Gimmal Records - When Inbox Items are submitted for approval, physical records are not submitted as well for approval.
Gimmal Records SDK - GetRecordsForRecordClass returns all Record Classes.
Gimmal Records - Only System Admins and the master 'Administrator' account can now create or edit Record Filters
Gimmal Records - Bulk Manual Classifications are not logged with Audit Entries.
Gimmal Records - Various guards against SQL Injection added
SharePoint Online Connector
Ability to explicitly specify whether a SharePoint Library should be crawled or ignored
Ability to configure the number of workers and the batch sizes for retention jobs.
Known Issues
For the ability to explicitly specify whether a SharePoint Library should be crawled or ignored
“Remove Records” Post Action Override doesn't trigger for Libraries with spaces in them.
The validation message displays "Local" instead of the SharePoint domain name in the single-tenant context.
Create override dialog sometimes freezes on the initial load.
The installer for all components can be found on the Gimmal software download site.
Core Service
The core service can only be upgraded from version 5.1. Any previously supported version can be upgraded to 5.1.
It is recommended to stop all connectors before upgrading the core service.