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Universal File Share Connector

The Universal File Share Connector enables Records Management to manage the lifecycle of documents stored on network file shares.

The current version of the Universal File Share Connector is 5.3.0.

For the Universal File Share Connector to be able to effectively manage network file shares, the file shares should be located within the same Local Area Network and, if possible, on the same machine where the Universal File Share Connector is installed.

The Universal File Share Connector can be used to crawl network file shares directly or network file shares from Gimmal Discover.

The File Share Connector is now deprecated. Concurrent use of both the Universal File Share Connector and the original File Share Connector is not supported.

Universal File Share Connector Architecture



What comprises the solution...

  • .NET-based Windows Service for crawling and classification

  • .NET-based Windows Server for retention action execution

  • Services are configured by adding a list of file share paths to be managed

How scaling works...

  • Each managed path represent a single application thread

  • Managed paths must not overlap

  • Application can be installed to multiple servers to form a cluster

  • Application supports fail-over, not load distribution

  • Managed paths can be divided among multiple clusters

When to scale...

  • When CPU Utilization is consistently above 90% for extended periods, a new cluster should be created and managed paths should be divided among the available clusters

  • When Memory Pressure is consistently above 80% for extended periods, a new cluster should be created and managed paths should be divided among the available clusters

General Sizing Guidelines...

  • (Total # Files / 10,000,000) = # Managed Paths

  • Ceiling(# Managed Paths / 10) = # Servers

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