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SharePoint Server Connector

The SharePoint Connector enables Records Management to manage the lifecycle of documents stored in on-premise SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019.

This section describes how to install and configure the SharePoint Connector.

If your SharePoint environment makes use of Alternate Access Mappings, please note that the SharePoint Connector uses the Default Zone Url to locate documents. Changes to the SharePoint Default Zone Url after deployment of the SharePoint Connector are not supported.



What comprises the solution...

  • .NET-based SharePoint Solution Package

  • Solution installs multiple SharePoint timer jobs

  • Timer jobs synchronize metadata and audit log information with items stored in SharePoint with Core Platform

  • Timer jobs execute retention action items stored in SharePoint according to each item’s lifecycle

  • User interface components added to SharePoint Layouts directory to support integration

How scaling works...

  • Multiple instances of SharePoint can be load balanced

  • Will scale in accordance with the scaling of the SharePoint farm

When to scale...

  • Scale SharePoint farm according to Microsoft Recommended Guidelines and your unique environment needs

General Sizing Guidelines...

Additional Topics

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