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The Reports option, available from the left Navigation menu, provides a set of Reports that provide a picture of overall compliance and system activity. The following pre-configured reports are available:



Approaching Phase Expiration

Displays Phases that are approaching expiration for a given date organized by Record Class and Action

Approaching Phase Expiration for Record Class

Displays records approaching expiration for a given date and Record Class

Case Discrepancies

Displays Records that are assigned a Case-Based Record Class but have not been placed into a Case Record

Classification Rules

Organized view of the rules that classify content into record classes

Destruction Certificate

Shows archived records for a selected Destruction Certificate

Expected Vs Actual Record Volume

Displays Expected vs Actual Record Volume for a given Record Class

File Plan

Organized view of your file plan

Holds for Legal Case

Displays Holds for a given Legal Case

Holds On or Before

Displays Open Holds that have been created on or before a given date

Pending Approvals

Displays records that are pending approval

Permanent Records by Record Class

Displays Permanent Records Counts grouped by Record Class

Permanent Records for Record Class

Displays Permanent Records for a given Record Class

Physical Records due for Disposal

Displays Physical Records that are ready for disposition

Record Audit

Displays the Audit for a given Record

Record Custody

Displays the Custody Chain for a given Record

Unclassified Records

Displays items that are registered but have not been assigned a Record Class

User Audit

Displays the Audit for a given User

Vital Records by Record Class

Displays Vital Records Counts grouped by Record Class

Vital Records for Record Class

Displays Vital Records for a given Record Class

Volume by Record Class

Displays Record Volume by Record Class

Volume by Record Class and File Type

Displays Record Volume by Record Class and File Type

Volume by Record Class and Repository

Displays Record Volume by Record Class and Repository

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