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Installing the Migration Utility

To use the Migration Utility "Import" function, the Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime must first be installed. It can be downloaded directly from Microsoft here. Typically, the x86 version will be installed.

To install the Migration Utility, perform these steps:

  1. On the Core Platform setup screen, click Install to the right of Migration Utility. The first screen that displays is the Check for Prerequisites.     

  2. Click Next. The installation location screen displays, which determines where the software will be installed.

  3. Click the ... icon next to the installation location field, select the desired installation location

  4. Click Next. The Installed screen displays, where installation takes place using the configuration options specified. The progress bar indicates the current state of the installation.

  5. When the application is finished installing, click Next. The Finish screen displays, indicating that everything installed successfully.

  6. Click Finish to return to the main Setup screen. This screen should now indicate that the Migration Utility has been installed.

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