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Copying Assets

You can perform a copy of a physical asset, whereby an asset is copied to a container or to another asset.  To copy an asset, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Physical on the Main Menu, and then click Containers on the left navigation menu. The Containers page displays.
  2. In the Containers list, locate the container whose asset(s) you want to copy, and click the drop-down arrow on the right.
  3. Click View Assets. The Physical Assets dialog opens.

  4. Right-click on the physical asset you want to copy, and select Copy.
  5. The Copy Asset window opens, which lists the name of the asset you want to copy, and lets you select whether to copy it to a parent container or a parent asset.
  6. From the Copy to drop-down list, select Container or Asset.
  7. Click the Parent Select icon () to the right of the Parent field. The Containers dialog or the Assets dialog opens, providing a list of possible containers or assets that you can select and copy the asset to.

  8. Make your selection, and then click Save. This will close the Containers dialog or the Assets dialog
  9. Enter or select the Owner.
  10. Make any additional changes, and then click Copy.  It may take a few moments for the window to close.
  11. Click Close to close the Physical Assets window.

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