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Records Management Web

What comprises the solution...

  • ASP.NET-based web application

  • Data stored in SQL

  • Provides a user interface for user interaction

  • Provides a web API for external component integration such as connectors and client software integrations

How Scaling Works...

  • The web can be installed to multiple servers that all point to the same SQL server instance

  • Network or hardware load balancing can be used to distribute among the multiple servers

  • Session affinity should be set to "none"

When to Scale...

  • When CPU utilization is consistently above 90% for an extended duration more cores should be added or new servers should be added to the load balancer

  • When Memory Pressure is consistently above 80% for an extended duration, more memory should be added or new servers should be added to the load balancer

General Sizing Guidelines...

  • (total User Count*Avg. % Hourly Users)*5)/60 = # of request per second

  • Ceiling (# of requests per second/50) = # of servers

  • Minimum of 2 servers recommended

Records Management Processing Service

What comprises the solution...

  • .NET-based Windows Service

  • Data stored in SQL Server

  • Performs reclassification of items

  • Manages lifecycle for each item being tracked

How Scaling Works...

  • The service can be installed to multiple servers that all point to the same SQL Server instance

  • The service supports failover, not load distribution

  • The service acts as a controller off-loading the bulk of its workload to SQL Server stored procedures

Where to Scale...

  • Not Applicable

General Sizing Guidelines

  • Should have at least 2 servers for failover

  • Recommended installing services on each Manager Web Server

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