Load Balancing
After setting up load balancing, you must update Records Management to accommodate the new load-balanced URL. To do this, perform the steps on each server hosting Records Management in the load balanced cluster.
Two files shares are needed for load balancing the Manager Web: a reports_share and a cache_share. The reports_share is used to store custom user created reports. The cache_share is used for all reports regardless of the report type - OOTB or Custom. These file shares should be accessible from all Manager Web (Records Management Core) servers by the Manager Web Application Pool account/Service Account with Full Control.
Open a PowerShell Command Window and execute the following commands:
Set-RecordsManagerWeb –SiteName “Information Lifecycle”
-SiteUrl “https://load-balanced-url:8080”
-WSFedMetaUrl “https://load-balanced-sts-url:8081/metadata/federationmetadata.svc/xml”
-WSFedMetaRealm “https://load-balanced-url:8080”
-WSFedMetaReply “https://load-balanced-url:8080”
-WSFedMetaAudience “https://load-balanced-url:8080”
-WSTrustUrl “https://load-balanced-sts-url:8081/Trust.svc”
-ReportDirectory “\\server\reports_share”
-ReportCacheDirectory “\\server\cache_share\”
Set-RecordsManagerSTSWeb –SiteName “Information Lifecycle STS”
-BaseUrl “https://load-balanced-sts-url:8081”
-ExpectedAddress “https://load-balanced-url:8080”