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Managing Team Sites with Office 365 Groups

Microsoft Teams stores content to a specific Team Site in SharePoint Online. However, these sites are pre-configured differently than typical SharePoint Sites. The sites are connected to Office 365 Groups when a new Team is created, or when a new Team Site connected to an Office 365 Group is created from SharePoint.

For any site in SharePoint to work correctly with Gimmal Records Management, the “In Place Records Management” feature in SharePoint must be enabled.  This feature is not turned on by default with Team Sites connected to Office 365 Groups. Please contact your SharePoint system administrator for help enabling the “In Place Records Management” feature.

Channels may also be created within Microsoft Teams and a corresponding folder will be created in the document library for each Channel. When a user shares content to these channels there is specific behavior to consider. The following table lists the known issues when using Gimmal with channels within Microsoft Teams:

Declaring content as a record or adding content to a legal hold in a Teams channel folder

The content will be successfully locked but Gimmal Records Management will not be able to delete it at the end of the lifecycle due to the Channel folder behavior.

Workaround: Manually un-declare the record within SharePoint before the disposition phase.

Declaring a record using In Place Record Management

Gimmal strongly discourages you from using the user interface in SharePoint to declare a record using "In Place Records Management" while using Gimmal Records Management. If content is declared using "In Place Records Management", Gimmal Records Management will not be able to delete it at the end of the lifecycle due to the separate hold.

Workaround: If a record is declared via the SharePoint interface for these folders it is necessary to manually un-declare the record within SharePoint before the disposition phase.

Gimmal recommends that when using Records Management with Microsoft Teams to not declare records or create legal holds on items within Microsoft Team channels.

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