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Special Triggers

Special Triggers are predefined system triggers for dates that can be assigned to items dynamically according to user interaction. The following Special Triggers are available.




The Obsolete trigger allows Retentions to be driven based on the date that an item is marked Obsolete.


The Supersede trigger allows Retentions to be driven based on the date that an item is marked Superseded.


The Declare trigger allows Retentions to be driven based on the date that an item is marked Declared.

 Note: Version 4.0 and above


The Undeclare trigger allows Retentions to be driven based on the date that an item is marked as Undeclared.

 Note: Version 4.0 and above

Record Class Closed

The Record Class Closed trigger allows Retentions to be driven based on the date that an item's Record Class is marked as Closed.

 Note: Version 4.0 and above

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