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File Share Connector Configuration

After you install the File Share Connector, you must configure it using the File Share Connector Configuration Application, using the following steps.

  1. Open the Gimmal File Share Connector Configuration application from the Windows Start menu.

  2. On the Connection tab, enter the URL to the Records Management Manager Web.

  3. Enter the Username* of the Service Account created in Records Management.

  4. Enter the Password of the Service Account created in Records Management.

  5. On the Servers tab, enter the UNC path to file shares to be managed by Records Management (* one per line).

  6. Choose whether to initiate a Full Crawl of managed paths on service startup.

  7. Choose whether to perform a Full Crawl of managed paths on a specified daily interval.

  8. Choose whether to continue Full Crawl when a error/failure occurs* (e.g. permissions issue).

  9. Click Save.

    The Service Account username format depends on whether or not you are connecting to the Gimmal Cloud deployment for Records Management. If the Gimmal Cloud is being used, the username format is: {service account name}@{tenant domain} (e.g., or, otherwise, the format is just: {service account name}.

    If the Continue on Failure box is checked, the Full Crawl will complete even if there are errors during the crawl. You would need to examine the log file to discover these errors. If the issue causing the error is corrected, you will need to execute the Reset-FileShareCrawlState cmdlet to reset the crawl state in order to recrawl the problematic files or folders.

  10. On the Transfers tab, create a Transfer Configuration by selecting a cluster from the drop-down list.

  11. Click +Create to assign a Record Class, select a Lifecycle Phase, enter the Destination Directory Path, and indicate if you want to retain the directory structure.

  12. Click Save.

Changing the Cluster

The Cluster field specifies a unique set of configuration options.  If two File Share Connector servers share the same Cluster ID, they will form a failover cluster. A failover cluster works in an active/passive failover model.  One of the servers in the cluster will be designated automatically as the active service. If something happens to the active machine that prevents it from processing, one of the passive machines will be selected automatically as the active server and will take over-processing. Perform the following steps on the Servers tab:

  1. Open the File Share Connector Configuration Application from the Windows Start Menu.

  2. Select an existing cluster from the Cluster drop-down list or choose new to create a new cluster.

  3. Click Save.

Windows Services

When you install the File Share Connector, there are two Windows Services that are added to Windows to perform the actions necessary to enable Records Management to manage the lifecycle of records and information stored on network file shares.

Service Type


Gimmal File Share Classification Service

This service is responsible for discovering the content that exists in the configured file shares and notifying Records Management of its existence and any updates and removals of this content.

NOTE: Because the Classification Service is limited by Windows Operating System Disk Notifications, it is possible that the buffer used to notify the Classification Service of file changes may overflow if a large number of files are created or updated within a very short amount of time resulting in files not being classified. The service will execute a full crawl daily, allowing the items that were not classified to be classified appropriately.

Gimmal File Share Retention Service

This service is responsible for executing the lifecycle actions is indicated by Records Management at various points in time according to the specified File Plan.

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