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Asset Properties

The following table contains a list and description of the physical asset properties found on the Create and Edit Physical Asset dialog.






The unique name for the physical asset; maximum characters allowed is 128; special characters are permitted



An optional title.



An optional subject/description of the physical asset.



An optional keyword(s) about the physical asset.

Home Location


Location Based Container: full path to the container (node) where the asset is being created. It is calculated automatically based on container structure and cannot be changed.

Logical-based Container: Unknown

The Home Location field is container (node)-specific.

Location Based Container: The Home Location will always show the full path of the physical asset in relation to the way the containers are structured; for example: Parent Container > Child Container > Sub-child Container, and so on. The advantage of this is that organizations can create a "real-world" structure of where their physical items are being stored. All physical assets created in a location-based container will have the same Home Location.

Logical-based Container: Select from a list of locations where the physical asset "lives" (for example, a street address). You can have multiple physical assets that each have a different Home Location. You must select a Home Location for each physical asset you create.

Temporary Location


Defines a temporary location that you can assign to a physical asset when it has been moved to another location on a temporary basis. For example, if you have a box of documents that is located in a warehouse office, and the office receives flood damage, you can move that box to another location, and indicate this using the Temporary Location field. This field pulls from the Locations list. See Managing Locations for more information on creating locations and applying them to a physical asset.

Asset Type


Defines the type of physical asset you're creating. Possibilities are:

  • Box
  • Document
  • Folder
  • Other
Other Asset TypeNo

If the Asset Type "Other", this property becomes available.



Defines the format of the physical asset.  Possibilities are:

  • None
  • CD
  • DVD
  • Film
  • Microfiche
  • Microfilm
  • Mixed
  • Negative
  • Optical
  • Paper
  • Slide
  • Tape
  • Video
  • X-Ray
  • Other
Other FormatNo
If the Format "Other", this property becomes available.


YesCurrent user(s)

Defines who owns the physical asset. Users of the system are part of the drop-down, however, other values to represent external users can be entered as well.

Allow Requests

YesYes, unless parent is set to No, in which case the value is No and cannot be changed.

Determines whether the physical asset is available for request.


Allows manual entry of a barcode to apply to an asset or displays the barcode schemes to allow selection from there (if configured). These values appear from the drop-down menu and the next available barcode number according to the scheme is entered automatically.

Barcode Symbology

The type of barcode symbology to use.

Barcode Alternate

A Barcode Alternate is useful when you have assets that may have need separate barcodes for internal and external usage.

This property works the same way as Barcode.

Barcode Symbology Alternate

The type of barcode symbology to use for the Barcode Alternate.

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