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Release Notes Version 5.7

Important Note

If you are upgrading to S4/HANA 2022, you will need to install version of Gimmal Link. Please contact our support team at with any questions. 

New Features and Changes

SharePoint 2019 Support

Gimmal Link v5.7 now provides support for SharePoint 2019. 

User Interface Updates

Administration Console has been rebranded to reflect Gimmal Link product name change. 

System Requirements

.NET Framework 4.8 

Issue Fixes

SharePoint Subsite Retrieval

Document retrieval with DTS is now supported with SharePoint Subsites.  

Auto.Index - Continue Indexing Actions After No Data Returned

Configuration setting added to determine if indexing actions should, when receiving an error or no data found, continue processing subsequent actions, or should halt.  

Preventing errors if we try processing properties that differ by the casing of the names.  

Content Repository Key Displayed in Event Log Logging

Content Repository Key is now displayed in Event Log when logging in information mode.  

Installation Path Updates

DTS Installer now respects the installation location path passed in from the main setup application. 

SharePoint Calculated Values

Fixed issues with calculated columns not being able to be read in Auto.Index. 

SharePoint Online Request Header

Incorporated hotfix for Gimmal Link v5.6.1 to Gimmal Link v5.7 for SharePoint Online request header decoration. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.