Security Preferences
To set up security preferences your user role will need to be Administrator. Select the Settings link on the top right side of the dashboard.
Select the Authentication tab to show specific settings.
Authentication settings can only be changed by an authorized user.
Enable Password Expiration- Enable to enforce password expiration.
Passwords expire in - How many days until a user's password will expire.
Number of historical passwords - Do not allow passwords to be reused through this many iterations.
Enforce Password Restrictions - Enforces the following restrictions on passwords:
Minimum length: 8
And at least one of each of the following:
lower case character
upper case character
numeric value
Enable Account Lockout - Enforces a user to be locked out of their account after password failures.
Lockout threshold - Number of failed password attempts until account lockout occurs.
Lockout duration - Number of minutes the user is locked out of their account.